Upcoming Supervision Training
“The facilitators were friendly, approachable, open to questions and discussions… Overall an excellent workshop and resources provided.” – Advanced supervision workshop participant
“Thank you so much for coming to present to the new graduate clinicians. We really appreciated your engaging and interactive style!” – Auckland University of Technology NESP programme co-ordinator
“Loved the training. So useful. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I feel so much more equipped to communicate to clients, supervisee's and family members. Life skills learnt.” - Foundation Supervision Training participant
Unfortunately, we are not offering any further trainings for 2023.
If you would like to be notified about upcoming trainings in 2024, please fill out the form below.
Register to be notified about future trainings
We're sorry if there is no training with space in your area. Please register here to be notified when we open a new training. Registering also helps us to see where the demand for training is and we may open training in regions with high demand.
Please note, that once you have hit 'send message' and there is a rotating circle on the button, your message has been sent. We will email you to confirm that we have received your registration. We have a glitch with the button we are trying to fix.
We provide supervision training for