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Feeling stressed or sleeping badly? We've got something that might help...

Feeling stressed or sleeping badly? We've got something that might help...

If you’re feeling stressed out, or having trouble sleeping, check this out. It's a site that could improve your stress levels and your sleep...

It’s music that was created for a spa, as a collaboration involving scientists at a market research lab and the founder of the British Academy of Sound Therapy. Researchers reported that listening to it while doing stressful tasks was associated with a reduction of overall anxiety by 65% and physiological arousal by 35%.

Youth in NZ have said it’s really helped them get to sleep when they’re feeling stressed at night. Improving youth sleep can help manage a risk factor for mental illness and help their recovery from depression and anxiety.  You can access the clip via YouTube here

- Emily Cooney, Clinical Advisor for Towards Wellbeing

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